“It’s Country for Me” by Patricia Demuth is a children’s book that introduces young readers to the charm and simplicity of life in the countryside. Through engaging text and vivid illustrations, the book explores various aspects of rural living, from the natural beauty of wide-open spaces to the day-to-day activities that define life on a farm. The story highlights the connection between people and the land, emphasizing the joys of outdoor life, the satisfaction of hard work, and the close-knit communities that often characterize rural areas. “It’s Country for Me” celebrates the peacefulness and unique culture of country living, offering readers a glimpse into a lifestyle that is often very different from the hustle and bustle of city life.
1. Joel is the youngest among Ed and Betty Holland’s___________children.
(a) Eight (b) Five (c) six (d) Four
2. What is the name of Joel’s sister? ____________
(a) Stacey (b) Marty (c) Martha (d) Kathy
3. This year Kevin, twenty-two, will graduate from college in ____________.
(a) Illinois (b) Chicago (c) New York (d) California
4. Joel’s sister is a ___________ nun.
(a) Protestant (b) Catholic (c) Roman Catholic (d) Conservative
5. According to _________ farming is a good independent life.
(a) Kevin (b) Kathy (c) Bill (d) Terry
6. F.D.R. stands for ___________.
(a) Franklin Delano Robert (b) Frank D Roosevelt (c) Freddy De Roosevelt (d) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
7. The only time Joel minds doing farm work is during ______________.
(a) Early Spring (b) Winter (c) Rainy season (d) Summer
8. If Joel had to live in the city for a year, he would mostly miss, _______________.
(a)The Farm (b) The Land (c) The Animals (d) The Home
9. Joel hunts deer and traps wildlife in the fall, and _____________ in the winter.
(a) Snowmobiles (b) Skates (c) Catches fish (d) Camps
10. More than the bother, Joel hates the _______________.
(a) Ugliness (b) Snow (c) Rains (d) Mud
11. During early spring, the melting of snow and daily rains turn the farmyard into a _____________.
(a) Pool (b) Swamp (c) Quagmire (d) Marsh
12. Mud sucks at his boots making walking itself a ___________ chore.
(a) Wearisome (b) Tiresome (c) Boring (d) Tedious
13. It’s country for me is written by ____________.
(a) Marta Salinas (b) Floyd Dell (c) Patricia Demuth (d) Ed Holland
14. A dim crescent moon hung low over the east __________.
(a) Hayfield (b) Corn Fields (c) Barren Fields (d) Oat Fields
15. He knows how to take care of the animals they ____________.
(a) Raise (b) Shelter (c) Lodge (d) Breed
16. The rich, black soil has been pampered by Hollands for over ________ years.
(a) 100 (b) 140 (c) 110 (d) 120
17. Joel is ________ years old.
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 15 (d) 16
18. The land Joel helps his family farm was bought in ______ by his great-great-grandfather.
(a) 1760 (b) 1860 (c) 1850 (d) 1740
19. James Holland was an _______ immigrant.
(a) Irish (b) British (c) French (d) American
20. The Hollands operate a ____________ farm, typical of many in the Corn Belt.
(a) Independent (b) Self-sufficient (c) Country (d) Large
21. Only Joel and his brother ________ still live at home.
(a) Bill (b) Terry (c) Marty(d) Kevin
22. The Hollands _______ virtually all the food their animals need.
(a) Buy (b) Grow (c) Gather (d) Barter
23. Replenish means ___________.
(a) to make full again (b) To purchase (c) To rent (d) To give advice
24. Joel is always extremely alert and __________ like a cat.
(a) Careful (b) Cautious (c) Watchful (d) Vigilant
25. They sell the________, though most of their money comes from selling the animals themselves.
(a) Oats (b) Spare (c) Corn (d) Surplus
26. The ________ are boot work, hard, heavy and sometimes dirty.
(a) Chores (b) Farm Operations (c) Class Works (d) Feeding and Caring Animals
27. Bill and Terry _______ neighboring farms.
(a) Work on (b) Own (c) Rent (d) Look After
28. Kathy says that she would give anything to be _________ instead.
(a) Farming (b) Ploughing (c) Working (d) Studying
29. Joel uses his youthful energy _____________.
(a) Indiscriminately (b) Willfully (c) Indolently (d) Blindly
30. Betty says that if she had to describe Joel in one word, it would be___________.
(a) Zest (b) Enthusiasm (c) Both a & d (d) Zeal
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